20 November 2016

That Thing Called Low Self-Esteem

Photo Credit: Author's

"You have a future and a hope." - Paul Oon

So, I met someone this week and we had one of those conversations that get you thinking about life. You see, we met while at an event and got talking about makeup at first, but somehow, the conversation moved to the subject of personal growth.(I can't help it, I always find myself trying to talk people into consciously working on making themselves better.)🙈

Anyway, while talking with her, she kept saying "I'm not that type of person..", "I'm not good at...", "I'm okay with the way I am", and all that. But some minutes earlier, she had said "I wish I can make enough money to dress like her" while admiring a lady who had just come into the event venue.

One of the biggest setbacks that people face is their lack of belief in themselves and low self-esteem. You can't expect to move forward if you don't believe that you can. You can't expect to be the best if you don't believe that you are or that you can be the best. If you have even the tiniest of low self-esteem, there are some habits you can adopt to get yourself on the right path.

• Adopt the habit of thinking positively about yourself. One of the best ways of doing this is reading books on building self-esteem and living a positive life. You can study the habits of people who don't have self-esteem issues and adopt some of them that fit your life.

• Surround yourself with the kind of people you want to be like and be honest with them about what you are going through. Yes, this might take a lot of courage and a beating on your already low self-esteem if they don't give you the response you want. But what have you got to lose?

• Accept your 'flaws' and try to find ways to keep improving yourself and your self-esteem. Enjoy the process no matter how hard it is, be gentle with yourself if you don't see immediate results, but never stop trying to get better.

No personal growth journey began and ended in a day. The beauty of it is in the struggle...they make for the best stories.

Did you at any point suffer low self-esteem? How did you or anyone around you conquer low self-esteem? Please drop your comments in the section below, someone needs the knowledge you have.
With love...

- The Lady

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”
Philippians 2:3-4

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