4 February 2017

Hans And René || Dare To Try Something New

"I am not the same. As I was. As I will be." - Unknown

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a Coldstone girl. No ice cream does it for me the way Coldstone does it. So, when I had an ice cream date with a friend, sometime this week, I automatically started dreaming of Coldstone, which of my favorite signature ice creams I would get and the extra toppings I would add to it. But no, Ezinne had a different plan.

Rather than go to Coldstone(which was closer), we went all the way to The Palms, walked past the Coldstone stand and made our way to the Hans and René store. At first, I didn't want to get anything from there as I had never tried them before that day, but after the nice guy who attended to me had cajoled me to have a taste, I decided that a scoop(or 3) wouldn't hurt.

As an Igbo girl, I did the most in ordering as much as I could take. I had to make my first trial of Gelato as memorable as I could. And I did. I tasted about 8 different flavors before I settled for 3 different flavors that stood out for me. I can't remember their names as I was more interested in the taste than the names.

Back at home, I reflected on my day(I do this everyday) and decided that I didn't do so bad. Although it wasn't something so major, but, as someone who sticks to whatever works for as long as it works, I surprised myself by trying something new. If I had been told that I would taste, or even like, something 'ice cream like' that isn't Coldstone, I would have laughed.

But that is a beautiful thing about life. We get so used to something, we end up confining or limiting  ourselves to that thing without trying out other things. If we could only take a chance with new things, we could learn more about life, about ourselves, and maybe, enjoy ourselves in the process.

I definitely enjoyed myself and look forward to trying out more Gelato flavors. I may even tryout the Hans and René Sorbet flavors available. Have you tried any Hans and René Gelatos or Sorbets? If you have or you know of any other Gelateria or ice cream stores in Lagos, do leave a suggestion in the comments section. I would love to try some new flavors and places.
Have an awesome weekend!💋

- The Lady

Location: Hans and René

“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”
Psalms 32:8