13 March 2016


Photo Credit: Getty Images

"...despite how open, peaceful, and loving you attempt to be, people can only meet you, as deeply as they have met themselves. This is the heart of clarity." - Matt Kahn

Ever met someone whose actions always had a way of hurting you or others? I sure have. And my dad realisation is that many times, these people don't know, or don't care about, the effect their actions have on other people.
I used to be bothered when people don't understand me, or do hurtful things to me. I even tried to understand them, but I have left that to higher levels of understanding. I can only help myself and those who want or need my help. And most of these people, most times, don't want your help. That's how I see it.
I guess my 'big sister syndrome' closed my eyes to the fact that some people will only treat you as good as they can treat themselves. Someone who doesn't love herself cannot love you. It's not rocket science. It's a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living soul.
Some of us care too much about someone who doesn't give a dot about us and we expect that person to wake up one day to this reality. When really, we are the ones who need to wake up to that reality. Clarity and focus doesn't always come to you from God or inspirational quotes. Sometimes it takes your mother to slap the reality back into you.
Lack of clarity could put the brakes on any journey to success in any area of life. People who have no vision or clarity will look for ways to distract others from their paths. But sometimes, you need the blurry moments to make you focus on the clearer picture.
Realising this has been quite liberating for me. I became more understanding of things around me, and began working on being myself and doing the things that made me happy. The more I remained myself, the clearer I became to me.
Find clarity on the things in your life, and it will help make life easier.
Have a great week ahead!
With love...

- The Lady

“And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭20:32‬

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